Created by Pepe Coira and Fran Araújo, and directed by Jorge Coira together with Elena Trapé, it stars Javier Cámara and Mónica López.
‘Rapa’ (6 episodes), the new original series of Movistar Plus+ in collaboration with Portocabo, premieres in its entirety on Thursday, May 19.
Amparo Seoane, the mayoress of Cedeira and the most powerful woman in the area, is assassinated. Investigating the crime is going to become an obsession for Maite, a sergeant of the civil guard, and for Tomás, the only witness to the murder. For Maite, looking for the murderer is an obligation, it is her job. For Tomás, who is a Literature teacher at the institute and to whom no one has kept a candle at this funeral, it is the opportunity –possibly the last– to live a story like the ones he is passionate about reading, and perhaps thus be able to tell it. Both will open an investigation that will affect the whole town. All of them, in one way or another, were related to Amparo. Everyone has something to gain or lose by his death.
VFX Work Done by Raised By Monsters